Hike & Bike for kids

Dianne Thompson

Fundraising Total
Raised by 0 people in 1 year
Total Raised for #MDTrek8

Hello!! I am a mother of 3 grown daughters and have spent most of my professional career in higher ed fundraising. I know how important it is to raise money for something you are passionate about. Now I have an opportunity to be involved in something I LOVE (outdoor activity) while raising funds for a very important cause - providing free integrated wellness programs for 100 kids in cancer and post cancer treatment. I can think of no better way to actively support Just In Power Kids than to take on this challenge of moving one foot in front of the other and raise money for these kids.

Aa an avid walker, hiker, swimmer and novice cyclist, I LOVE being outdoors - in any kind of weather!! Snowy days are some of my favorite days to be outside and moving!! I have always been motivated by the ability I have to be active. I am sure you would agree how difficult it is to imagine having a child with cancer, wondering if the day will come for them to be as active. I hope this inspires you, like it does me, to support the foundation of Just In Power Kids that helps kids with their cancer treatments so they can one day join us outdoors pursuing their dreams of walking, hiking, biking or whatever strikes their fancy!! Thanks for your kind donation in support of these children.

I am excited to meet other Trekkers for this very important 7 day adventure and fundraising event. Let's do this!!!

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